Last night we got the wonderful news on Google's App Inventor for Android. But what about an app which allows you to customize your very own live wallpapers? It turns out, a few days ago, such a tool was developed by madwolfchin of XDA, and is called OwnSkin.
On the surface, OwnSkin looks like any standard live wallpaper. However, looks can be deceiving! Upon selecting OwnSkin from the Live Wallpaper menu, you will venture into settings, and find two tabs: "My Store" and "Download". From "Download," you can download live wallpaper templates, which you can customize with various widgets and other objects. Currently, there are about a dozen templates available, with unique widgets and objects to each. I suggest you give it a whirl, and let us know your first impressions! Check out a quick preview video below:
From the video, there also seems to be a desktop-component to the app, maybe which will allow deeper customizations, and the building of your own templates. However, the desktop component has yet to be released. Currently OwnSkin is not available yet on the Android Market. To get started, you will need to download and install the OwnSkin APK available here: http://www5.ownskin.com/lwp/oslw.zip
I had a chance to play with OwnSkin for a few minutes, and was incredibly impressed. Not only are there over a dozen templates available, each with unique widgets, but the widgets are totally customizable. You can decide which homescreen you want to place the widgets. You can adjust its size and transparency. You can even give the widgets animations, and possibly can set certain widgets to auto-adjust with the accelerometer! Check out a few of the widgets in the screenshots below, which are part of the "darkNite" template:
OwnSkin Template
Repo, OwnSkin Options Box
OwnSkin Brightness Adjuster Tool, OwnSkin Size Adjuster Tool